Everything you need to know about Link Financial
If you've received a debt letter from a debt collection company like Link Financial, you might find yourself feeling worried. Being contacted by debt collectors can be very stressful, particularly if you're unsure of what to do next.
However, finding a way out of debt is possible, particularly with a personal insolvency specialist like NDH Financial, with our own inhouse licenced Insolvency Practitioner. Since our humble beginnings in Stockport, we've helped thousands of customers to relinquish the shackles of unaffordable debt, keeping the debt collectors at bay.
We specialise in IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements). An IVA is a debt consolidation solution that allows you to combine your unsecured debts into a manageable repayment plan. They're particularly useful if you have several thousands of pounds worth of debt, although we understand that every situation is different.
If you'd like to find out whether you're eligible for an IVA, apply now and we'll get the process started.
Link Financial: An Introduction
Link Financial is a debt collection agency registered in England. They've been established since 1998 and manage more than 5.3 million customer accounts across nine countries in Europe.
Link Financial chases debts on behalf of British companies. Whilst they work with a range of different businesses, they tend to work with larger, more well-known brands like Barclaycard or high-street stores.
Catalogue, store card and credit card debt
Utility debts
Business and consumer loans
Mortgage debts (both residential and commercial)
Equipment leases
Auto finance debt
Student loans
You'll usually receive a debt collection letter from Link Financial to notify you that they have bought your debt. These letters can be concerning at first, but it's important to try not to worry. The debt collection agency has very little power when compared to your original creditors.
If you've been contacted by Link Financial and you're unsure of how to proceed, contact NDH Financial and we'll help you shake off the debt collectors.
Is Link Financial Regulated?
As a legitimate debt collection agency, Link Financial is regulated to work within the UK by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).
If you have any issues when dealing with the debt collection agency or would like to make a customer complaint, you can contact the FCA to make an enquiry. If you think that Link Financial has broken the rules of the debt collection industry, you can also speak to the Financial Ombudsman to make a formal complaint.
What Powers Do Link Financial Have?
Being contacted by a debt collector like Link Financial can be a stressful event for anyone, no matter how much your current debt adds up to. If you have received communication from a debt collector, you should make yourself aware of what they can and can't do.
There are specific powers that debt collectors have, but they're much more limited than most people think. They don't have any extra powers over your debt than your original creditors, so Link Financial's remit is quite limited. However, having debt will have a negative impact on your credit score, so it's important to try and pay it off as quickly as possible.
Link Financial can only contact you if your creditors have sold your debt to them - they're allowed to try and collect your debt in these circumstances. You'll usually be sent a letter first, however they may also attempt to contact you by phone. Debt collectors may also try to attend your property to collect the debt, but they'll usually contact you by post first.
If you've set up a repayment plan and you keep getting frequent phone calls asking for money, this may be classed as harassment. However, this will depend on the circumstances and the reason Link Financial are trying to contact you.
You'll usually be offered a regular payment plan if you're unable to pay the entire debt off at once, however you don't need to pay Link Financial if you don't want to. You also don't need to let them into your property if they attend, and you can refuse to deal with them if you prefer.
Get in touch today
NDH Financial can help free you from the shackles of your debt.
Call us on 0800 002 9051 or apply below.

What Should You Do if Link Financial Agents Attend Your Home?
If Link Financial agents visit your home, it's important to try not to panic. It can be a scary situation, but you should remember that you don't have to deal with them if you don't want to.
Debt collectors are often confused with bailiffs, but they're very different entities. Bailiffs have more legal jurisdiction and debt collectors are not allowed to mislead you by telling you that they're bailiffs. If they do try and mislead you in this way, you may be able to take legal action against them.
The most important thing is to try and stay calm throughout the debt collection process. If you don't want to deal with Link Financial when they attend your property, you can turn them away and refuse to speak with them. If you do want to arrange a repayment agreement with a debt collector, you should always check their ID and make sure they're certified to collect your debt.
You can speak to debt collectors through your door if you're concerned about letting them in. You can also ask them to contact you via phone or letter instead, if you prefer.
If you do decide to deal directly with Link Financial, you should be honest about your finances and let them know what you can and can't afford. They should then be able to set up an affordable repayment agreement for you.
Can Link Financial Force Their Way Into Your Home?
Debt collectors are not allowed to seize goods from you as payment towards your debt. People often confuse debt collectors with bailiffs (who are allowed to take goods), but they're completely different.
Bailiffs (otherwise known as enforcement agents) have different rules to debt collectors and will often collect different debts. The process may differ slightly depending on whether they're self-employed, instructed by a private company or hired by the council. They often work directly for the courts and can take your belongings if they're collecting for a debt that you are legally entitled to pay.
Debt collectors are only allowed to take monetary payments towards your debts - this can be paid in cash, as a credit card payment, or paid in instalments. They'll usually allow you to set up a payment plan if you aren't able to pay the entire debt off at once. However, there may be additional fees added during the repayment period if you decide to go ahead with a repayment plan. If you do decide to pay a debt collector, you should check their identification first. You should also ensure you get a receipt.
If a member of Link Financial or another debt collector claims that they are acting as a bailiff, you may be able to take legal action against them, as this is illegal.
Can Debt Collectors Seize Your Goods?
A default occurs when you break the terms of your credit agreement. For example, you may receive a default notice if you're behind on your payments.
A default notice is something sent out by your creditors as a warning ahead of your account defaulting. You’ll get a couple of weeks to pay the outstanding payments before your account is impacted.
However, though you’ll still have a period of time to make the payments, it's still important to address the default notice as soon as it's arrived so that you’re fully aware of (and prepared for) any further implications should the debt not be paid off.
If you are unable to pay the required amount, you should contact your creditors quickly and explain the situation to them. They may be able to set up a further repayment plan to help you get back on track.
Alternatively, you could consider other debt relief options such as an IVA. If you've received a default notice and you'd like to find out more about how NDH Financial can help you, get in touch today!
Can Link Financial Take Your Car?
In most cases, debt collection agencies like Link Financial cannot take your car as payment towards a debt. Vehicles are generally classed as 'goods', and debt collectors can only clear your debt in the form of monetary payments.
However, there are two main circumstances in which your vehicle can be seized by a debt collection agency:
- If the debt is linked specifically to your vehicle. For example, if you bought a car using finance and have defaulted on your payments
- If there is a county court judgement (CCJ) against you and the debt collector is claiming payment for the debt linked to the CCJ
Apply Today
Get in touch with NDH Financial today for a free consultation about your debts.
Call us on 0800 002 9051 or apply below.

Can You Write Off Your Debt with Link Financial?
You can write your debt off with Link Financial, however it's worth going through your options before making a decision. If you have the money available to pay off your debt when Link Financial contacts you, you may find it easier to pay them directly. However, you may incur further fees if you decide to write off your debt with a debt collector.
You could also consider contacting your original creditors and paying them off. They may even be willing to set up a regular payment plan with you, if you're not able to pay the full amount upfront.
If you're not in a position to be able to pay your creditors and you don't want to deal with debt collectors, you should research other debt solution options.
At NDH Financial, we offer a formal debt solution known as an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement).
What Is An IVA?
An IVA is a formal and legally binding agreement between you and your creditors. IVAs are designed for people with multiple creditors and debts of over £7,000 - you can also only include unsecured debt within the arrangement.
There are some unsecured debts that can't be included in an IVA. These include:
- Student loans
- Child maintenance arrears
If you're not sure whether your debt can be included within an IVA, our experienced team will be able to offer you guidance.
An IVA allows you to consolidate multiple debts into one monthly payment, which makes the process of paying your creditors much easier overall.
You’ll also get protection from your creditors with an IVA. Once the agreement has been set up, they're not allowed to keep chasing you for payment. If you continue to get frequent phone calls from a debt collector or a creditor after an IVA has been set up, you may be able to take legal action against them.
Your credit score will be affected when you set an IVA up, however it will also be affected if you have debt that you're unable to pay off. If you'd like to find out more about applying for an IVA with NDH Financial, complete our online form and we'll get in touch.
Let NDH Financial Help You with Your Debt
If you’ve been contacted by Link Financial and you’re concerned about your debt, we’re here to help.
At NDH Financial, we’re a personal insolvency specialist, who specialises in assisting individuals with unmanageable debt. Our Insolvency Practitioner has over 15 years experience, and they have helped thousands of people pay off their debts in that time.
We specialise in providing IVAs (Individual Voluntary Arrangements) - debt consolidation solutions that allow you to combine your debts into one monthly payment.
If you’d like to start the process of applying for an IVA, fill in your contact details on our online form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
*Once the IVA is completed, all outstanding debts that are included are written off. There are some unsecured debts that will be excluded, such as court fines, child maintenance arrears and Student Loans, and you will need to make separate payments to these. As the IVA will only cover unsecured debts, you will need to continue making payments to secured creditors both during and after the IVA.
Do You Have Any More Questions?
Our IVA Learning Hub Can Help
We know you might have questions and that’s fine.
We can answer most of those on our call.
But we’ve also built our learning hub so that you can learn more about an IVA and see if one is right for you.
Click below to check it out.